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A rider’s impression of the facility improves by including art in the station and can turn a fifteen-minute passage into an aesthetic pleasure. Public art in a transit environment is a realm where thousands can appreciate art daily enforcing a rider’s sense of ownership and pride in that system. This Mural illustrates a great number of Cleveland landmarks in a reimagined landscape of the possible near future. The foreground depicts a redesigned Zone Recreation Center featuring community gardens, an alternative energy program and a wetland reestablishment inhabited by animals. Behind it is a vibrant mixed use Lorain Ave. which lies near the center of the EcoVillage with it’s many amenities such as a diversified transportation base, super efficient housing and office space, schools and cultural institutions both public and private, all in the heart of the near west side. Illustrated in the background: At the far left, at Edgewater Park there is a wind turbine gathering the winds of Lake Eire further east one spots Whiskey Island remembering the Hullets. In the center begins the Flats with it’s many bridges at the mouth of the river. The Cuyahoga winds below the skyscrapers of downtown Cleveland south into the industrial valley, at the far right. "This mural’s specific subject matter aims to amplify this neighborhood's resolve to embrace green principals and hopes to act as a example to those who view it on what it means to live sustainably in an urban environment." - Gregory Aliberti |